About Shreyasi

BOT Shreyasi is AI Enabled telephonic Conversational Virtual Recruiter,
which actually speaks to 1000's of candidates in one go and hire 10 times faster.

Now you don't have to manually call candidates for screening. BOT shreyasi collects data from all possible Data sources, including your Emails, repositories, excel and even Leading Job boards and calls 1000s of candidates to create pool of screened candidates.

Blazing Fast

Make your Talent Acquisition team hire 10 times faster

1/3 rd the cost of recruiter

Brings your Cost to hire to one third

Unbiased & Measurable

Makes Talent acquisition Process Transparent, measurable and Unbiased

24*7 Recruitment

AI powered Virtual Recruiter works round the clock and attend calls 24*7*365

BOT Shreyasi is intelligent resume screening Cognitive bot that automates and engage candidates in real-time, and digitise interviews that help assess candidate’s fit by chatbots, Telephone, and WhatsApp .

Bot Shreyasi will change the recruiter role in your Organisation, through augmented intelligence which will allow recruiters to become more proactive in their hiring, help determine a candidate’s culture fit, and improve their relationships with hiring managers by using data to measure KPIs such as quality of hire

Connect to 1000s of Candidates in just few click and analyse Responses in Minutes .

Eliminate Unproductive and Monotonous cold calling from your Hiring Life cycle.

Screen large pool of candidates in minutes using AI Analytics.

You can interview candidates online in real time or watch pre-recorded interviews on your own time. With a click of a button, you can invite candidates to an in-person interview or hire them based on their Previous BOT interview.

How BOT Shreyasi works

BOT Shreyasi works same as any Recruiter in your Company works but virtually with Higher Efficiency and at very low cost.

BOT Shreyasi Collects Data from all Major Sources including leading Job boards and Repositories, EMAILS and screen 1000's of candidates in one go.

BOT seamlessly integrates with CAREER Site and ATS, and handles all Incoming Recruitment calls 24*7.

Save recruiters’ time by automating high-volume tasks and improving quality of hire through standardised and unbiased Process.

According to LinkedIn’s data, the most important recruiting KPIs are: Quality of hire is the top priority for 60% of talent acquisition leaders Time to fill is the top priority for 28% of talent acquisition leaders